Vikram Krishnamurthy leads the Tree Equity Alliance, a cross-sector initiative launched by American Forests to unite diverse national partners in supporting the national Tree Equity movement. Prior to joining American Forests, Vikram served as Executive Director of the Delaware Center for Horticulture, an urban greening nonprofit based in Wilmington. In addition to reinventing DCH’s Branches to Chances® workforce and re-entry program, he helped to launch the Delaware River Climate Corps program. He brings experience in urban forestry, land conservation and local food systems, all of which contribute to his commitment to equity and environmental justice. He holds a B.S. in Anthropology from James Madison University, associate degree in horticulture, certificate in medicinal plants from Cornell University, and completed graduate studies at the University of Delaware in Environment, Energy and Equity.
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Vikram Krishnamurthy
Senior Director, Careers and Opportunities