American Forests’ VP of Policy Heads to the Hill
On February 26th, 2019 the House Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies heard from more than 40 witnesses composed of members of the public, nonprofit organizations, and state and local agencies. Chairwoman Minnesota’s Congresswoman Betty McCollum was eager to hear the priorities from the vast group of witnesses including American Forests’ Vice President of Policy Alix Murdoch.
“I look forward to our discussions on these issues because I believe it will help to inform us as we begin to develop the 2020 appropriations bill,” Congresswoman McCollum said in a statement.
“This year, the nation witnessed loss and destruction from wildfire at levels we have never seen before. In fact, over the last decade, each year has been worse than the last, and this trajectory shows no signs of changing,” Alix Murdoch shared in her testimony. “More active forest management will require increased federal and private investment and level of effort sufficient to halt this crisis.”
Alix encouraged appropriations increases for 6 critical programs that together could quickly increase the pace and scale of harvesting dead and dying trees, reforestation, reintroducing controlled fire and other measures needed to address the crisis facing the nation’s forests. The full text of Alix Murdoch’s written testimony is found here (external link to house.gov).
Click here to watch the hearing on Youtube beginning at 19:05.
Alix oversees the formation of American Forests’ policy agenda, government relations, and advocacy efforts. She is a graduate of Hamilton College and Catholic University Columbus School of Law and is licensed to practice law in the State of Maryland. She also co-chairs the Agriculture Management Committee for the American Bar Association’s Section on Energy and Environment and is a member of the Women’s Council on Energy and the Environment.
Public Lands Foundation President Edward Shepard and Society of American Foresters CEO Terry Baker testified on the panel with Alix Murdoch (photo above).