Check out what’s happened this week in forestry news!
A recent study published in PeerJ will be used to determine whether the coastal marten will be listed as a threatened or endangered species, based on its geographic population. Some causes of their reduced population include trapping and getting hit by cars.
How To Stop Your Khakis From Killing Forests – Ecosystem Marketplace
Do you know the environmental costs of producing leather and the “cellulosic fibers” used in clothing, most of which are manufactured abroad? The biggest costs are deforestation of ancient and endangered forests, and poor cattle ranching practices. Find out how apparel retailers like Inditex and H&M assure customers that their products aren’t threatening forests or endangered species.
Vikings cleared the forests, now Iceland is bringing them back – treehugger.com
The Icelandic Forest Service, with assistance from forestry societies and forest farmers, is working to reverse the massive deforestation caused by the Vikings hundreds of years ago by bringing trees back to Iceland’s barren landscape. Benefits of reforestation include the return of farmable soil, increased prevention of sandstorms, and of course, mitigating the effects of climate change by helping Iceland reach its climate goals.
Suffering From Nature Deficit Disorder? Try Forest Bathing – NPR (review)
Dr. Qing Li’s upcoming book, “Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness” explains the healing practice of forest bathing, with the importance of trees supported by scientific evidence. As more people move into urban areas and increase the population of cities, it’s important to remember to increase the quality of life by exposing oneself to nature. You don’t even have to leave the city! Any green space with trees works.
New source of global nitrogen discovered – Phys.org
Not all of the nitrogen on Earth that’s available to plants comes from the atmosphere – more than a quarter of it comes from the Earth’s bedrock. This discovery could improve climate change projections, which rely on understanding the carbon cycle.