Trump administration sees a 7-degree rise in global temperatures by 2100 — The Washington Post
In a 500-page environmental impact statement released last month, the Trump administration recognized that global temperatures are rapidly rising, but has no plans to combat the potentially catastrophic climb.
Google’s New Tool to Fight Climate Change — The Atlantic
Google’s plan to estimate greenhouse-gas emissions based on data from individual cities could potentially help local leaders in working to decrease their city’s carbon footprint. Google released their estimates for five cities worldwide, including Pittsburgh and Buenos Aires, as part of the program.
Above and below Lake Mead, the country’s largest water reservoir, erratic rainfall and decreasing snowpack are causing concern for the future of water supply in the West.
Arctic Cauldron — The Washington Post
Lakes in the Arctic are releasing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane into the air at alarming rates. If this turns out to be a widespread trend, greenhouse gas emissions from Arctic soil could more than double by 2100.
NPS to reestablish wolves on Isle Royale — Physics.org
There are only two wolves currently living on Isle Royale and the growing moose population on the island is causing overgrazing. Taking these and other factors into consideration, National Park Service officials have started work to reestablish the wolf population.
Climate Week NYC: Companies with Cleaner, Smarter Energy Use Outperform their Peers — The Climate Group
According to report released by RE100, companies who are committed to 100% renewable energy consistently perform better than other companies in net profit margins and earnings before interests and taxes margins.