Using a new blend of fuel partially made from waste gases, the Virgin Atlantic flight flew from Orlando to London. US LanzaTech, the company that produced the fuel, claims it could eventually cut the aviation industry’s greenhouse gas emissions by 65%.
Researchers have found they can use Twitter to do “quick and dirty” research that could otherwise take several years, tracking mentions of things like the flu or spiders in the home to develop models that may predict when such things occur.
Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a groundbreaking new electric car charger, but aren’t stopping there. Now they are working on a version that will charge multiple cars at a time even more quickly.
Stopping deforestation and restoring forests would help the world achieve 18% of the emissions mitigation needed to avert the planet’s current path toward catastrophic levels of global warming. Forty scientists from five countries say governments worldwide overlook this, which they say is a mistake.
Using Drones to Tell the Story of Climate Change — The New York Times
Two New York Times reporters are working to tell the story of how climate change is threatening cultural sites worldwide as part of an ongoing series, the first part of which can be found here.
Biodiverse forests are found to be more productive, storing more than double the amount of carbon that monocultures store, in a study done by the University of Zurich.